Sedation Dentistry
Sedation Dentistry is a term used to describe the utilization of medication on a patient during a dental procedure. This medication is used to help you enter a highly relaxed state during treatment, providing a more positive dental care experience, even for patients who suffer from severe dental anxiety or dental phobia. We want you to feel safe and comfortable throughout your procedure and we know sedation dentistry can help achieve that.
Nitrous Oxide, also commonly known as laughing gas, is the mildest form of dental sedation. Once inhaled, it induces a state of mild relaxation and reduces sensitivity to pain. Nitrous Oxide is safe for virtually every patient, regardless of age. Following the procedure, oxygen will be used to neutralize the effects of the nitrous oxide. Once this is complete, you will be fully alert and able to drive yourself home, if desired.
The sedatives used in Sedation Dentistry:
- Generally have no lingering aftereffects
- Are used in conjunction with local anesthetics to ensure your total comfort
- Are a safe and effective way to ensure you can relax during treatment
- Are administered by trained and certified doctors
There are several excellent benefits to selecting Sedation Dentistry for use in your treatment. Some of these include:
- Sedation dentistry provides a gentle, soothing experience that can help you overcome dental anxiety or dental phobia.
- Sedation allows your body to relax more completely, increasing the effectiveness of local anesthesia
- Sedation reduces the sensation of passing time, which can be very useful if you need a complex procedure or multiple procedures done in a single sitting.
- Sedation’s relaxing effects also prevent your muscles from stiffening or becoming sore due to spending extended periods of time in one position.
There are several reasons why many of our patients choose Sedation Dentistry. The most common reasons why Sedation Dentistry might be right for you include:
- Dental Anxiety or Dental Phobia
- Fear of needles, commonly used in local anesthetics and IV sedation
- Low pain tolerance
- Sensitive teeth or gums
- Problematic gag reflex
- Difficulty getting or staying numb
- Hyperactivity
- Time constraints requiring multiple or complex procedures to be completed within fewer sittings
Whatever your reason for thinking Sedation Dentistry may be right for you, we’re here to help. Our compassionate team is here to provide you with a safe, comfortable dental experience.
Your safety is our top priority. At your appointment, be sure to tell us:
- Any prescription medications or over-the-counter medications you are taking
- Any herbal or nutritional supplements you are using
- Any allergies you have, particularly medication reactions
- Any health conditions you have
- Any questions or concerns you may have about your treatment or about Sedation Dentistry
We will gladly work with you to determine whether Sedation Dentistry is right for your needs and to help you decide which type you want to use.